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Carlow County Council Audit Report 20/03/2024

EPA Audit Report on Carlow County Council 20/03/2024, July 2024

Year: 2024

EPA Audit Report on Carlow County Council 20/03/2024

Research 458

Research 458: A Critical Analysis of Ireland’s Circular Material Use Rate (CAIR)

Authors: Jack McCarthy, Colman McCarthy, Carlos Pablo Sigüenza, Gergo Suto, Colum Gibson, Claire Downey and Adam Boland , July 2024

Year: 2024

Ireland has registered a relatively poor score in terms of the Circular Material Use Rate (CMUR) – a key circular economy metric of the European Union. Ireland’s policy ambitions are to surpass the EU average in this metric by 2030. The aims of the CAIR (a Critical Analysis of Ireland’s circular material use Rate) project were to firstly identify factors driving Ireland’s relatively low CMUR performance and secondly to identify actions through which Ireland’s CMUR score could be improved. The research activities included an interrogation of how the CMUR metrics function, analysis of the data used, a comparison of the data and statistical profile of Ireland with three other Member States, and the development of proposals for improving Irelands CMUR score.

Bainisteoir Cláir – Airgeadas, Bainistíocht Saoráidí agus Clár Inbhuanaitheachta

Uimhir Phoist: 000428, July 2024

Year: 2024

Tá Bainisteoir Cláir á earcú ag an EPA a bheidh freagrach as ceannaireacht agus bainistiú Chlár Airgeadais, Bainistíochta Saoráidí agus Inbhuanaitheachta an EPA san Oifig Cumarsáide agus Seirbhísí Corparáideacha.

Oifigeach Eolaíochta II (Leibhéal 4) Ceimiceoir Anailíseach

Uimhir Phoist: 000429, July 2024

Year: 2024

Comhlíonfaidh na hiarrthóirí rathúla ról Oifigeach Eolaíochta II (Leibhéal 4) Ceimiceoir Anailíseach i mBaile Átha Cliath, ag dul isteach i bhfoirne ardfheidhmíochta d’anailísithe i saotharlanna nua-aimseartha na ceimice uisce agus monatóireachta radaíochta san Oifig um Chosaint Radaíochta agus Monatóireacht Timpeallachta.

Programme Manager – Finance, Facilities Management and Sustainability Programme

Post Number: 000428, July 2024

Year: 2024

The EPA is recruiting a Programme Manager (Level 1) who will be responsible for the leadership and management of the EPA’s Finance, Facilities Management and Sustainability Programme in the Office of Communications and Corporate Services.

Scientific Officer II (Level 4)Analytical Chemist

Post No. 000429, July 2024

Year: 2024

The successful candidates will fulfil the role of Scientific Officer II (Level 4) Analytical Chemist in Dublin, joining high-performance teams of analysts in modern water chemistry and radiation monitoring laboratories in the Office of Radiation Protection and Environmental Monitoring.

Solid Fuel Register (2024-2025)

A list of registered solid fuel producers, for the period 1st September 2024 to 31st August 2025 will be available shortly. , July 2024

Year: 2024

Provisional GHG Report 1990-2023 Front Cover

Ireland's Provisional Greenhouse Gas Emissions 1990-2023

Year: 2024

The EPA has produced provisional estimates of greenhouse gas emissions for the time period 1990-2023. This report provides early insight into the annual greenhouse gas emissions in advance of final data being submitted to the EU and UN in 2025.

Land use, land use change and forestry bulletin image

Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry Bulletin

Year: 2024

EPA special topic bulletin on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals from Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) as part of a special topic series examining sectoral and cross-cutting climate issues. This bulletin provides an insight into the history of land use in Ireland and looks in detail at the six land use categories relevant to GHG emissions reporting. It also sheds light on Ireland’s LULUCF emissions reduction targets and on updates and revisions to the LULUCF GHG Inventory produced by the EPA.

Purchase Orders Quarter 2 2024 Over €20k

Year: 2024

The public sector reform plan required that all Departments and Agencies start publishing quarterly reports on-line detailing purchase orders of value greater than €20,000. The EPA purchase orders over €20,000 for Quarter 2 2024.

Hydrology Bulletin June 2024

Hydrology Summary Bulletin - June 2024

Hydrology bulletin on rainfall, river flows, lake levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows for June 2024; published, July 2024, July 2024

Year: 2024

Hydrology Summary Bulletin for June 2024 outlining the flows in rivers, rainfall, lake levels and turlough levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows of over 300 stations across Ireland

EPA submission: Public Consultation on the National Risk Assessment 2024: Overview of Strategic Risks (EPA Ref: EPAC-0624)

Year: 2024

EPA response to the public consultation by the Department of the Taoiseach on the National Risk Assessment 2024: Overview of Strategic Risks.

EPA submission: Public Consultation on Ireland’s draft updated National Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030 (EPA Ref: EPAC-0824)

Year: 2024

EPA response to the public consultation by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications on Ireland’s draft updated National Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030.

front cover of report 2023 drinking water quality in public supplies

Drinking Water Quality in Public Supplies 2023

Year: 2024

This report is an overview of the quality of drinking water in public water supplies and public group schemes during 2023. It is based on the assessment of monitoring results reported to the EPA by Uisce Éireann and local authorities, and on the EPA's enforcement activities.