Latest Publications

EPA Circular Economy logo and publication title

Food Waste: Ethnographic Digital Diary Research 2023

Reference year 2023, July 2024

Year: 2024

This ethnographic digital diary research provides an understanding of the role and reality of food consumption in Irish households - identifying behavioural patterns of food waste and understanding the root causes for food waste in Irish households. 28 participants representing a cross section of Irish society took part in this weeklong digital diary ethnography project during November 2023. The outputs of this research provide a deeper understanding of what people actually do rather than what they say they do in terms of food waste behaviours at home, as well as direction on the development of future interventions.

Drinking Water Audit Report thumbnail

Ardpatrick Kilfinnane Audit 24/04/2024

Year: 2024

Report of an audit carried out at Ardpatrick Kilfinnane public drinking water supply Co. Limerick on 24/04/2024

Drinking Water Audit Report thumbnail

Shannon/ Sixmilebridge RWSS Audit 24/04/2024

Year: 2024

Report of an audit carried out at Shannon/ Sixmilebridge public drinking water supply Co. Clare on 24/04/2024

Drinking Water Audit Report thumbnail

Collon Audit 17/05/2024

Year: 2024

Report of an audit carried out at Collon public drinking water supply Co. Louth on 17/05/2024

Drinking Water Audit Report thumbnail

Enfield Audit 14/06/2024

Year: 2024

Report of an audit carried out at Enfield public drinking water supply Co. Meath on 14/06/2024

Drinking Water Audit Report thumbnail

Carnaross Audit 29/05/2024

Year: 2024

Report of an audit carried out at Carnaross public drinking water supply Co. Meath, on 29/05/2024

Drinking Water Audit Report thumbnail

Moynalty Audit 29/05/2024

Year: 2024

Report of an audit carried out at Moynalty public drinking water supply, Co. Meath, on 29/05/2024

Carlow County Council Audit Report 20/03/2024

EPA Audit Report on Carlow County Council 20/03/2024, July 2024

Year: 2024

EPA Audit Report on Carlow County Council 20/03/2024

Research 458

Research 458: A Critical Analysis of Ireland’s Circular Material Use Rate (CAIR)

Authors: Jack McCarthy, Colman McCarthy, Carlos Pablo Sigüenza, Gergo Suto, Colum Gibson, Claire Downey and Adam Boland , July 2024

Year: 2024

Ireland has registered a relatively poor score in terms of the Circular Material Use Rate (CMUR) – a key circular economy metric of the European Union. Ireland’s policy ambitions are to surpass the EU average in this metric by 2030. The aims of the CAIR (a Critical Analysis of Ireland’s circular material use Rate) project were to firstly identify factors driving Ireland’s relatively low CMUR performance and secondly to identify actions through which Ireland’s CMUR score could be improved. The research activities included an interrogation of how the CMUR metrics function, analysis of the data used, a comparison of the data and statistical profile of Ireland with three other Member States, and the development of proposals for improving Irelands CMUR score.

Image showing front cover of report including a picture of plastic packaged fruit and vegatables

Examining how single-use packaging used in the sale of fruit & vegetables can be reduced

Year: 2024

This study examined how single-use packaging used in the sale of fruit and vegetables can be reduced. Its objectives were to (i) gather information and insights on the types of single-use packaging used to bring fruit and vegetables to the point of sale (ii) gather information on the role of producers, wholesalers/distributors and retailers in specifying the type and use of single-use packaging in the sale of fruit and vegetables and (iii) identify options for reduction in single-use packaging in the sale of fruit and vegetables. The study was informed by a literature review and engagement with key stakeholders

Title of document and image of a building

EPA GPP Criteria Office

Year: 2024

This document sets out the core and comprehensive GPP criteria for the design, construction and management of office buildings


Bainisteoir Cláir – Airgeadas, Bainistíocht Saoráidí agus Clár Inbhuanaitheachta

Uimhir Phoist: 000428, July 2024

Year: 2024

Tá Bainisteoir Cláir á earcú ag an EPA a bheidh freagrach as ceannaireacht agus bainistiú Chlár Airgeadais, Bainistíochta Saoráidí agus Inbhuanaitheachta an EPA san Oifig Cumarsáide agus Seirbhísí Corparáideacha.

Title of document and image of multiple activities

EPA GPP Guidance for the Public Sector 2024

Year: 2024

This document is designed to provide general guidance and information. It provides step-by-step instructions and criteria for implementing green public procurement (GPP), in line with Irish and EU policy and legislation.


Oifigeach Eolaíochta II (Leibhéal 4) Ceimiceoir Anailíseach

Uimhir Phoist: 000429, July 2024

Year: 2024

Comhlíonfaidh na hiarrthóirí rathúla ról Oifigeach Eolaíochta II (Leibhéal 4) Ceimiceoir Anailíseach i mBaile Átha Cliath, ag dul isteach i bhfoirne ardfheidhmíochta d’anailísithe i saotharlanna nua-aimseartha na ceimice uisce agus monatóireachta radaíochta san Oifig um Chosaint Radaíochta agus Monatóireacht Timpeallachta.


Programme Manager – Finance, Facilities Management and Sustainability Programme

Post Number: 000428, July 2024

Year: 2024

The EPA is recruiting a Programme Manager (Level 1) who will be responsible for the leadership and management of the EPA’s Finance, Facilities Management and Sustainability Programme in the Office of Communications and Corporate Services.


Scientific Officer II (Level 4)Analytical Chemist

Post No. 000429, July 2024

Year: 2024

The successful candidates will fulfil the role of Scientific Officer II (Level 4) Analytical Chemist in Dublin, joining high-performance teams of analysts in modern water chemistry and radiation monitoring laboratories in the Office of Radiation Protection and Environmental Monitoring.