Drinking water

Where does our drinking water come from? Depending on where you live, your water supply either comes from a public water supply operated by Uisce Éireann, or a private water supply such as group water schemes or your own household well.

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Drinking Water

Depending on where you live, your water supply either comes from a public water supply operated by Uisce Éireann, or a private water supply such as group water schemes or your own household well.

What's happening?

Tap at kitchen sink

What is the quality of drinking water in Ireland?

The EPA produces annual Drinking Water Reports for both Public and Private Supplies that provide an overview of the quality of drinking water.

Who does what?

Uisce Éireann is responsible for providing public water services and ensuring drinking water quality meets the standards in the Drinking Water Regulations.

The EPA is the drinking water quality regulator for public water supplies, responsible for enforcing the Drinking Water Regulations.

The Local Authorities are the drinking water regulators for private water supplies, responsible for enforcing the Drinking Water Regulations for group water schemes and businesses that have their own well. If you get your drinking water from a group water scheme you can find more information on the National Federation of Group Water Schemes website. 

The HSE is responsible for public health and must be consulted by Uisce Éireann where there is a failure to meet the standards in the Drinking Water Regulations, or where there is a public health risk.

The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) is the economic regulator, responsible for ensuring that Uisce Éireann operates in an economical and efficient manner.


Public Supply Drinking Water Report

Private Supply Drinking Water Report


What's being done?

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The EPA has identified the most important issues, which should be addressed on a national level, to protect and improve drinking water supplies. These are the national priorities for drinking water supplies:

  • Keeping water free from harmful bacteria (disinfection)
  • Minimising harmful disinfection by-products
  • Eliminating lead from pipework
  • Preventing pesticides from entering our waters
  • Managing risks to water supplies
  • Ensuring all water treatment plants are effective

Here's what you can do to make sure your drinking water is safe:

Drinking water Publications

in: Drinking Water
rural private water supply
Drinking Water Quality in Private Group Schemes and Small Private Supplies 2023

This report is an overview of the quality of drinking water in private group schemes and small private supplies during 2023. It is based on the assessment of monitoring results reported to the EPA by local authorities.

EPA Drinking Water Audit Reports

The EPA carries out audits at water treatment plants to ensure that public water supplies comply with the Drinking Water Regulations, and in response to drinking water quality failures or incidents

EPA Advice and Guidance

The EPA has published a number of information leaflets on how to protect our drinking water sources and guidance for drinking water suppliers on best practice for operating drinking water treatment plants.

Sketch outline of person rowing a kayak with photo close up of a leaf with 2 water droplets on top as background
Ireland's State of the Environment Report 2024 - Chapter 8

Ireland’s State of the Environment Report 2024 provides an update on the environmental challenges that we face both nationally and globally. This is chapter 8 from the report which summarizes the key messages and environmental challenges for the Water in Ireland. The report adds to a range of thematic and research reports available from the EPA that cover many of the issues reported on in more detail.

FAQs about Drinking water

in: Drinking water

Uisce Éireann is responsible for the monitoring of public water supplies and Local Authorities are responsible for monitoring of group water schemes and regulated small private supplies.

Popular FAQ's

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