New research funding of €14.5 million has been awarded to 25 new research projects
EPA launches a new water abstraction module on our Environmental Data Exchange Network (EDEN) for making licence applications. You can now register a water abstraction or apply to the EPA for a water abstraction licence.
Climate change is with us now. The sooner we act, the less damage it will do to our society and environment.
What's happening and what impact will climate change have on Ireland?
The EPA is the environmental regulator of Uisce Éireann (formerly Irish Water).
How best to maintain your septic tank.
The EPA regulates and licences a variety of activities in the waste sector, including landfill sites.
Learn more about waste
The EPA regulates the quality of drinking water in Ireland and enforces standards in public supplies.
Where does your drinking water come from?
The EPA monitors radiation in our environment. We also regulate radioactive sources in industry, e.g. for x-rays.
What is radiation and how can it affect you?
The EPA manages the national air quality monitoring network. We also measure levels of air pollution.
See the air quality index for health, this will tell the about air in your area