The Environment & You

In this section, you will learn more about how you can help protect your environment.

What can you do to help the environment?

FAQs on Environment & You

A collection of frequently asked questions about the Environment and You.

Popular FAQs

  • How to apply for an extension to the timeline to make a water abstraction licence application?

    You can apply for extension of timeline to make a water abstraction licence application under Section 15(7), by filling in this form and returning it to

  • Disposing of asbestos waste

    Asbestos waste is hazardous and must be disposed of properly. Before any demolition work, identify which waste facility is licensed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for disposal of asbestos waste.

    Hazardous waste transfer stations can accept asbestos waste and then arrange to have it disposed of at an appropriate facility here or abroad.

  • When do I need to notify the Agency of a proposed abstraction?

    A proposed new abstraction, or an increase to an existing abstraction, between 25m3/day and 1,999m3/day must be notified to the Agency before commencing. The Agency will carry out an assessment to determine if a licence is required. A proposed abstraction that meets or exceeds 2,000m3/day requires a licence and an application must be made to the Agency for a licence. You cannot commence that abstraction until authorised to do so by the Agency.  

  • Who is responsible for the enforcement of the European Union (Good Agricultural Practice for Protection of Waters) Regulations, 2014?

    The Local Authorities (County Councils) and the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine are responsible for enforcement of the regulations and they undertake farm inspections to check compliance.  If Local Authorities find farmers contravening these Regulations, they must report them to the Cross Compliance Unit of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.

    The Regulations are also part of the Cross Compliance requirements under the Single Payment Scheme and other area-based schemes. The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine by agreement with the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, has taken on responsibility for the undertaking of Cross Compliance inspections for the Single Payment Scheme and other area-based schemes. In addition, the Department carry out a proportion of farm inspections on behalf of Local Authorities.

    The Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine can impose financial penalties for non-compliance.

  • Requirements of the European Union (Good Agricultural Practice for Protection of Waters) Regulations, 2014?

    The European Union (Good Agricultural Practice for Protection of Waters) Regulations, 2014 specify a significant number of controls in relation to managing the farmyard, managing fertilisers and nutrients, and keeping records. 

    Further details are contained in Explanatory Handbook for Good Agricultural Practice for the Protection of Waters Regulations, 2014.