What is the EPA doing about the Circular Economy?

The EPA has a central role in preventing waste and driving the circular economy in Ireland.

Innovating and Demonstrating

We have targeted funding programmes to support the development of novel solutions for the circular economy.
We share learnings and showcase best-practice for enterprises and organisations in moving to the circular

Delivering through Partnerships

We collaborate with influential national organisations to deliver programmes and solutions for the circular economy
in Ireland. Working with and through others we extend our reach and influence.

Advocacy and Communication

We are an advocate for waste prevention and the circular economy in Ireland, including working with the public on priority topics such as food waste and plastics.
We communicate solutions based on behavioural insights that can be scaled up for the greatest impact. We gather data and evidence to inform robust policy development
and report on progress.

For more on who we are and what we do, watch our youtube video on the circular economy.