Climate Change Lecture Series

Since 2007, the EPA Climate Change Lecture series has hosted a number of lectures. National and international experts on various climate related topics are invited to speak. The lectures are free of charge and open to everyone who registers in advance.

Lectures are live-streamed and the recordings made available on the EPA's YouTube Channel.

The Climate Change Lecture Series has covered many diverse and wide-ranging topics. It is also essential to the EPA’s commitment to increase public awareness of climate change, its causes, consequences and how we tackle it.

This climate lectures series is carried out by the National Dialogue on Climate Action (NDCA). It is also included in the list of actions mandated by the government in the Climate Action Plan.

Upcoming Lectures

Date Speaker Topic Synopsis

March 26, 2025

Online Webinar - Registration pending

Professor Karen O'Brien

Transformation in a Changing Climate: Insights from the IPBES Transformative Change Assessment

This lecture will present some key messages and insights from the recent IPBES Transformative Change Assessment and how they can be used to simultaneously address climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution in a just and sustainable manner. 

Other EPA Events

Please follow our social media accounts listed below for more information on forthcoming events.

To view and register for other upcoming EPA events, please see EPA's Conferences & Events page.

Previous lectures (2017 - 2025)

Date Speaker Title Synopsis
Jan 15 2025 Professor Bronwyn Hayward

Supporting Children, Youth and Future Generations in a Chaotic Climate Future 

Available on:

Presentation Video

Q&A Video

This lecture will trace the transition institutions and organisations face in moving from ‘paralysis’ to ‘pragmatism’ in the face of daunting and uncertain risks.
April 23 2024 Professor Lea Berrang Ford

Climate Change and Health: from paralysis to pragmatism

Available on:


This lecture will trace the transition institutions and organisations face in moving from ‘paralysis’ to ‘pragmatism’ in the face of daunting and uncertain risks.
19 April 2023 Professor Stefan Rahmstorf

Ocean Circulation, Tipping Points and the Public Climate Debate

Available on:


The weakening of the Gulf Stream and its consequences for ecosystems, the North Atlantic region, regional sea levels and the oceans’ ability to absorb carbon dioxide
26 October 2022 Professor Neil Adger

Adapting to climate Risks to Make Us Happier and Healthier

Available on:

The risks of climate change investing in climate adaptation, i.e ensuring health and wellbeing are considered when planning for floods and examining if people are made healthier and happier by adaptation strategies
27 April 2022 Dr Anthony Leiserowitz

The Role of Communications in Driving Climate Action

Available on:

The public, consumers and political will as enablers of climate action and an overview of how changing public beliefs, attitudes and behaviours can compel and constrain climate action by governments, companies and individuals
15 November 2021 Prof. Michael Mann

Urgency & Agency in the Battle to Avert a Climate Crisis

Available on:

A discussion on COP26 & the IPCC AR6 and the threat of human-caused climate change for civilisation, and the systematic challenges faced by climate activists
18 February 2021 Dr Kirsten Dunlop

How Does Finance Drive a Climate Neutral Economy and Society?

Available on:

The role of finance in halting the increase of carbon emissions and how finance can help in reversing climate change
11 November 2020 Dr Josep Canadell

Covid-19 and Global Carbon Emissions: The Challenge of Reaching the Paris Climate Commitments

Available on:


The trends and impacts of Covid-19, and what it means for reaching the climate objectives of the Paris Agreements
5 February 2020 Dr Runge-Metzger

The Green Deal: Delivering a Climate Neutral Europe 

Available on:


The objectives of the European Green Deal, the potential implications of transition to climate neutrality for key centres of the EU economy & society
20 November 2019 Prof. Julia Slingo

Facing up to Climate Change Where next for Climate Science?

Available on:


A discussion on what is next for climate science as we tackle the climate challenges that lie ahead
17 May 2019 Dr Edward Cameron

New Climate Leadership for a Low Carbon, Climate Resilient and Inclusive World

Available on:


The importance of climate leadership as we transition to a low carbon, climate resilient and inclusive world
6 November 2018 Prof Hugh Montgomery

Health and Climate Change - A Febrile Planet?

Available on:


A discussion on the impacts of climate change on human health and wellbeing.
15 May 2018

Lord John Krebs

Tackling Climate Change: Rhetoric or Reality?


A discussion of the challenges of adapting to climate change and the UK’s experience since enacting the 2008 Climate Change Act.
26 October 2017

Prof. Chris Rapley

Communicating Climate Change - Why So Difficult?

Available on:


A discussion on why the communication of climate change is a challenge, and what can be done to help progress the discussion to lead to effective action.

Further Information

For more climate related resources, please visit the ‘Climate Change & You’ section of the EPA website