The national reference level for indoor radon levels in workplaces is 300 Bq/m3.
If the measured radon level in a workplace is greater than 300 Bq/m3 employers must take remedial action as soon as is practicable, to protect the health of workers.
By law, if your workplace is one of the following, you must test it:
Article 66 of S.I. 30 of 2019 places a duty on employers in High Radon Areas to test for radon. The requirements of Article 66 are summarised as follows:
In addition, under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, every employer has a general duty to identify hazards in the workplace to minimise them. In line with Article 66 of S.I. 30 of 2019, all workplaces at ground floor and basement level in High Radon Areas must be tested for radon.
Because it is impossible to predict exactly where high radon levels will be found, it is recommended that every workplace should have a radon test carried out, even those located outside high radon areas.
Outdoor workplaces such as agriculture, transport, construction and fishing are unaffected by high levels of radon, and do not need to be tested.
More information on carrying out a test in your workplace can be found on our Radon Testing page.
For more information on reducing high levels, visit our Fixing A Radon Problem page.
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