Become an EPA Citizen Scientist and measure air quality in Limerick City this October!

Date released: August 21, 2024

  • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Limerick City & County Council are bringing Clean Air Together to Limerick city, applications are now open for Limerick city residents, community groups and businesses to sign-up & measure air quality and pollution from traffic.
  • 400 citizens in Limerick city are needed to help measure and analyse air quality this October, and getting involved is easy and free.
  • Citizen Scientists will be measuring Nitrogen Dioxide, which is an air pollutant that comes from cars, vans and trucks and is harmful to your health. 
  • You can get more information, and register to participate, on the Clean Air Together project website  (Deadline for applications is Sunday September 15th, 2024).

21st August 2024: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Limerick City & County Council, today launched Clean Air Together Limerick City, a citizen science project to measure air quality in Limerick. 

We need 400 people and businesses in the Limerick Metropolitan District Area to help measure levels of the air pollutant nitrogen dioxide (NO2), in their local area this autumn. Kicking off on October 2nd, the project will help better understand air quality in Limerick city, and what needs to be done to improve it. 

Speaking ahead of the launch, EPA Director General Laura Burke said: 

“The EPA is delighted to be bringing this exciting project to Limerick city to measure levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) - a major traffic pollutant which is known to be harmful to our health, and the environment.  By taking part in this Clean Air Together project, you will measure NO2 in your area and - together with all of the other data collected - your measurement will give us a detailed snapshot of air pollution from traffic in the city. Taking part in the project is free and open to everyone who is a resident in the Limerick Metropolitan District Area. You can visit the Clean Air Together website to find out more information and register to participate”. 

Celebrating the project’s launch, the Mayor of Limerick, John Moran commented: 

“Walk to a mountain top or into the middle of a wood and you realise what a pleasure clean air is!  We must do better for our cities too.  More attention to understand what activities put pollutants in our air is a key starting point.  This project will give us a stocktake of where Limerick is.  This will allow us to measure the value of interventions as we try to improve the air and life quality for residents and users of our city.  We need people to get involved.  I have already volunteered. Please get involved too to help make Limerick a better place.”

Taking part in the project could not be simpler – you don’t need to be an expert, and the project is open to everyone. Once registered and selected, you will be sent a test kit with a measurement tube and easy instructions on how to get started. Install the tube on Wednesday the 2nd October 2024 and leave it in place for four weeks, during which time you won’t even know it’s there. After four weeks of measuring NO2 levels, post the tube back to the EPA, free of charge. The tube will be analysed, with results available early 2025. 

EPA Programme Manager Andy Fanning commented: 

“The Clean Air Together project is a great opportunity for the people of Limerick City to become Citizen Scientists and know the Nitrogen Dioxide levels in their area. The data from this project will provide the EPA with important information and air quality data. But, more importantly, participants in Limerick will be playing an active part in developing a better picture of - and learning more about - air pollution in their own city. When the project is completed, a map showing the results will be published at allowing you to compare your results to those in other parts of the city.” 

Further information: Emily Williamson, EPA Media Relations Office:053-91 70770 (24 hours) and 

Photos from the launch are available from the EPA Media Relations Office. 
Notes to Editor 

Clean Air Together is led by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in partnership with Limerick City & County Council with support from the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce.

Details of the project are available at  

Clean Air Together Limerick city follows similar projects in Dublin, Cork city and Galway city which took place between (2021 – 2024) whereby residents measured NO2 levels in their local area. 

The results from the Clean Air Together Limerick City project will be used to validate and maintain EPA forecast modelling on air pollution. For further information on air pollution in Ireland visit the EPA at: 

For further information on the EPA Citizen Science activities visit our website.  

Clean Air Together is inspired by a similar citizen science air pollution campaign in Belgium called Curious Noses (CurieuzeNeuzen). This was Europe’s largest ever air pollution measurement project. Curious Noses was seen as a great success, with meaningful impacts for citizens, the scientific community and Belgian public-policy alike. More information is available on the Belgian project website