What is the Remedial Action List? 

The Remedial Action List (RAL) is a register of public water supplies that are in need of corrective action. The EPA requires Uisce Éireann to complete an action programme for each supply on the listWhen Uisce Éireann has shown that the issue has been fixed, a supply can be removed from the list. The EPA updates the Remedial Action List twice per year. 

Download the latest EPA Drinking Water Remedial Action List

How many public water supplies are on the Remedial Action List? 

The first Remedial Action List in 2008 identified 339 public water supplies that required corrective action. The latest remedial action list published can be found at the link above.   

Why is a public water supply put on the Remedial Action List? 

Public water supplies are added to the Remedial Action List for one or more of the following reasons: 

  • The water supply fails to meet the drinking water standards for E. coli, enterococci, trihalomethanes, pesticides, aluminium or turbidity
  • The water supply has inadequate treatment for Cryptosporidium or inadequate disinfection
  • The HSE identifies a water supply where improvements are required
  • An EPA audit identifies a lack of operational control at the water treatment plant

What can the EPA do if Uisce Éireann fails to improve drinking water quality? 

The EPA is the drinking water quality regulator for public water supplies and ensures that drinking water supplied by Uisce Éireann meets the standards of the Drinking Water Regulations.  The EPA can take enforcement action, including carrying out drinking water audits, issuing legally binding directions to Uisce Éireann, and taking prosecutions against Uisce Éireann.

Interactive Map

The interactive map below shows the locations of the water supplies on the latest Remedial Action List.   

How to use this interactive map

Click on a red dot to find out more information about these supplies, including the reason the supply is on the list, the proposed action programme and the expected completion date for the remedial works.

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