The Network for Ireland’s Environmental Compliance and Enforcement, NIECE, is a network of organisations and individuals involved in the enforcement of environmental legislation, environmental engagement and promotion.
The Network provides a forum which encourages individuals and organisations to work together to deliver improvements in priority environmental areas.
The EPA's Office of Environmental Enforcement (OEE) coordinates the activities of NIECE.
The Network is structured around key thematic areas – Waste, Water and Air/Climate. Membership of the Network includes local authority staff, state agencies and government departments. Representatives from other sectors including non-government organisations, businesses and producer responsibility schemes are invited to participate, where relevant.
Members engage in events and workshops, share information and knowledge and are facilitated to work together to deliver specific outputs through appointed working groups.
The Network holds annual events in the key thematic areas, as well as organising training events for its members.
Members have access to a secure extranet website to communicate and share information. The portal provides:
Request access to the NIECE Network Portal
Planning and Governance
The planning and governance of the Network is carried out by an appointed Steering Committee chaired by the Environmental Protection Agency. For more information on the Networks vision, objectives, management and organisational structure see the NIECE Network Strategic Plan 2018 – 2022 Working Together to Make a Difference.
Find Out More
Read more about work being done in this area at a European level by IMPEL - European Environmental Network.