Incident at Aurivo Consumer Foods Ltd, Killygordon, Co. Donegal, 13 September 2023

The EPA received notification from Aurivo Consumer Foods Ltd on the afternoon of Tuesday September 12th of an accidental release from the EPA Licensed facility to the Cross Roads Stream. This stream flows in a northerly direction where it joins the River Finn near Killygordon.

EPA staff from the Office of Environmental Enforcement attended the site on Wednesday 13th September to investigate this incident and to identify what corrective actions need to be taken at the facility. The site inspection report once completed will be available on the EPA website.

The EPA has also liaised with Donegal County Council and The Loughs Agency to assess the impact of the incident on the receiving environment. Samples have been taken for further analysis at the EPA laboratories. 

EPA staff from the Office of Environmental Enforcement, continue to investigate the cause of the incident.