EU ETS Reporting

The EU Commission (DG CLIMA) provides a tool (EU ETS Reporting) for Operators, Verifiers and Competent Authorities to perform their tasks under the Monitoring and Reporting Regulation and meet compliance obligations in relation to the submission and approval of the monitoring and reporting plan and the future submission of Annual Emission Reports.

Please Note: Permit updates and other communications are done through EDEN and monitoring and reporting plan updates and Annual Reporting are done through EU ETS Reporting.

Set up access to EU ETS Reporting

EU ETS Reporting is accessible via the following URL, which requires a 2-factor authentication with EU Login.

If you do not already have 2 factor authentication with EU Login follow step 1 below. If you have access to the Union Registry you will already have 2 factor authentication with EU Login.

1. EU Login:

  • To use EU ETS Reporting you must be set up with 2 factor authentication on EU Login.
  • Guidance for getting set up on EU Login is available here:
  • For 2 factor authentication there are 3 options available (all are explained in the guidance document)
    • EU Login Mobile App PIN Code
    • EU Login Mobile App QR Code
    • Mobile Phone + SMS

EU ETS Reporting

A user manual is available at the following link.

Once you are set up with 2-factor authentication with EU Login one member from your organisation should send an email to

Request that you be added as an “Organisation Administrator” to EU ETS Reporting.

Include your (Aircraft) Operator name, GHG number/, your name and the email address that you registered with EU LOGIN.

The EPA will add you as a user. Then you can follow the steps to register below.

Once you are added as an organisation administrator you can add other members of your organisation.It is your responsibility as administrator to decide who should have access.

You need to register first then request access to your organisation.

Steps to register (Complete this after you are set up on EU Login with 2 factor authentication and have sent your request to to be added as Organisation Administrator).

  1. Log into EU ETS Reporting
  2. You are not registered in the system” page displays your user details. Tick the checkboxes to agree with the “Terms and conditions” and the “Privacy statement”.
  3. Click Register
  4. You can now access the EU ETS Reporting tool.

Steps to request access to your organisation once you have registered (pg 11 of the manual).

  1. Expand your user menu at the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Click My Profile.
  3. Click the Request Access To Organisation button
  4. Type any details of your organisation and click Search. Your organisation name is your installation name as per your GHG Permit.
  5. Search for your organisation under the search results and click on it to see its details.
  6. Select the role you need to have (At least one user in your organisation needs to have the role of “Organisation Administrator” so that you can then add further users to your organisation as they request it).
  7. Click Request.
  8. Then send an email to notifying us that you have requested access (Include your Operator name in the email)
  9. Your appointment request has to be approved by the EPA (as relevant Competent Authority). You will receive an e-mail notification when the approval process is complete.

Submit a monitoring plan on EU ETS Reporting

Once you have access to your organisation on EU ETS Reporting to save you time when you need to submit a future update of your monitoring plan to the EPA for approval, you should now begin to fill in all the details of your currently approved monitoring plan as a Draft monitoring plan on EU ETS reporting.

Any updates to your monitoring plan will need to be done on EU ETS Reporting.

The instructions are set out in the user manual (Section 3 Monitoring plans management).

Follow the steps to:

  • Create a monitoring plan (Installation).
  • Next follow the steps for (working on a Draft monitoring plan (installation)).
  • Finally, if your monitoring plan needs an update follow the steps for Submit a monitoring plan (installation).