
Transfer of a GHG Permit

What happens to the Greenhouse Gas Permit (GHG Permit) if a new operator takes over the company and the installation?

The GHG Permit and the liabilities associated with it are transferred to the new operator. For more information see below.

Where a new operator is to take control of an installation, the operator details, as specified in the GHG permit must reflect this change. An installation transfer is required. Typically, an installation transfer applies when the existing Operator sells one or more of its installations to another company.

Applications for the transfer of a GHG emissions permit from the existing Operator to another proposed Operator (Transferee), must be made jointly by both parties by using the Joint Application for the Transfer of a GHG Permit (IRL ETS 013-03). The completed form should be submitted as part of a Permit Variation Application.

Once the Joint Application has been approved by the EPA, the GHG emissions permit will be issued to the proposed Operator/Transferee. The new Operator/Transferee will then be responsible for all legal obligations as required under the GHG emissions permit.