Union Registry accounts

Companies must open an account on the Union Registry if they are regulated under the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS).

This means that:

  • Stationary operators (with a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Permit/GHG Permit) must open an Operator Holding Account (OHA) on the Union Registry
  • Aircraft operators (with an approved monitoring plan) must open an Aircraft Operator Holding Account (AOHA) on the Union Registry
  • Shipping companies attributed to Ireland must open a Maritime Operator Holding Account (MOHA) on the Union Registry.

Stationary operatorsaircraft operators and shipping companies use their Union Registry accounts to carry out their compliance obligations under the EU ETS. To find out more about opening a Union Registry account, contact Ireland’s Union Registry Team at ETRAdmin@epa.ie

You can access Ireland's section on the Union Registry here.

If you are not regulated under the EU ETS but you would like to open a Union Registry account to trade EU carbon allowances, contact ETRadmin@epa.ie for more information.

The prospective accountholder of such Trading Accounts must show evidence of permanent residence/registration in Ireland and confirmation of VAT registration in Ireland. In addition, at least one of the authorised representatives (account users) shall be a permanent resident of Ireland.

If you wish to change details of an existing Union Registry account, contact us for guidance at ETRAdmin@epa.ie

The EU ETS Union Registry accounts may hold EU General Allowances (EUAs), EU Aviation Allowances (EUAAs), Swiss General Allowances (CHUs) and Swiss Aviation Allowances (CHUAs). Carbon credits are neither usable in nor can they be received into EU ETS Union Registry accounts.

Union Registry fees

The following account fees currently apply at the time of opening or updating an account.

Operator Holding Account €350
Aircraft Operator Holding Account €350
Maritime Operator Holding Account €350
Trading Account EU-100

€1,000 per account

Two Authorised Representatives (ARs) must be nominated at the time of the account opening.

€600 for the nomination of any supplementary ARs, in addition to these two mandatory ARs.

€600 is also required for any changes to the appointed ARs.

Verifier Registration


More information is available at