How to apply for a water abstraction licence
Pre-application preparation
The following needs to be undertaken when preparing a licence application:
- Register on the EPA’s Environmental Data Exchange Network (EDEN) website (see guidance on signing up for an EDEN account),
- Erect a site notice on the land or structure concerned no later than the date of making an application,
- Publish a notice in a newspaper circulating in the area within the period of 2 weeks before the date of the making of an application.
Some applications may need to be accompanied by specific reports, e.g. EIAR, retrospective EIAR, EIAR Screening Report, Natura Impact Statement (NIS), Appropriate Assessment Screening. Where required, such reports should be prepared prior to application.
Making an application
When making an application, make sure you:
- Use the Water Abstractions Module web form on the EDEN website. See instructions on completing the web form here.