Annual reporting for GMO/GMM contained use activities

Users of Class 1 Genetically Modified Micro-organisms (GMMs) are not required to submit an annual report to the EPA.

All other users of GMO/GMM contained use activities (i.e. users of Class 2 GMMs, Class 3 GMMs, Class 4 GMMs and GMOs) are required to submit annual reports to the EPA detailing any changes to the corresponding GMO Register entry, Risk Assessment and/or containment measures applied. 

To fulfil Annual Reporting requirements, select the appropriate Annual Reporting Form from the selection below and complete it in accordance with the accompanying notes.  This report should be received by the Agency no later than 31 March of the year subsequent to the year being reported on (i.e. Annual Reports for the year 2024 should be received by the Agency no later than 31 March 2025).

Please email these reports to 


Annual Reporting Form GMMs

Annual Reporting Form GM Animals

Annual Reporting Form GM Plants