There is no fee for the contained use of GMOs.
The EPA has a 45-day review period. This does not include any period during which the EPA is awaiting receipt of any additional information it may have requested from the notifier. This means that the clock is stopped until all requested additional information is received.
Where the user has been issued with a consent for the first-time use of the premises and wishes to use a new GM plant or GM animal not previously notified to the EPA, the user must submit an assessment of the risks to human health and the environment associated with the new GMO use to the EPA prior to commencement of any work involving its use. The user should also provide the GMO Register Number relating to the first-time use of the premises.
The user may proceed directly once the risk assessment has been submitted. There is no requirement to await EPA approval or acknowledgement.
GMO-related waste should address the inactivation of the following where applicable: