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in: Waste
EDEN logo showing the transfer of data around a network

Environmental Data Exchange Network (EDEN)

EDEN is the EPA's online web portal for Local Authorities and licensees to communicate with the EPA on numerous applications.

icon respresenitng waste factory

Waste Licensing

The EPA licenses certain activities in the waste sector. These include Landfills, transfer stations, hazardous waste disposal, ship recycling and other significant waste disposal and recovery activities. Select the links below to navigate to these topic areas.

icon respresenitng waste factory

Article 11

Article 11 is a request submitted to the EPA seeking assistance in identifying/making determination as to what the appropriate waste authorisation that may be required for a facility to operate

Latest publications in Waste

A photograph of WEEE
A guidance document

Guidance for applicants on the planning documentation required for licence applications

Application screening for compliance with Section 87(1B) of the EPA Act 1992 (IE/IPC) / Section 42(1B) of the Waste Management Act 1996 (Waste)

EPA Publication Cover
Do I need a Waste Licence or Certificate of Registration

For Local Authorities

A document to assist in deciding if you require a Waste Licence or a Certificate of Registration

EPA Publication Cover
Do I need a Waste Licence, Permit or Certificate of Registration?

For Private Sector

Reference material to assist you in deciding if you require a Waste Licence, Waste Permit or a Certificate of Registration.

Latest News and Press Releases

in: Waste
EPA has five easy steps for people to reduce food waste and save money

Date released: February 28, 2025

Saturday 1st March is National Stop Food Waste Day, and the EPA is calling on people to follow the simple tips in the Stop Food Waste Pocket Guide to help reduce food waste and save money.

EPA calls for urgent action to improve Ireland’s household and commercial waste segregation and recycling performance

Date released: September 21, 2023

The EPA has today published the latest National Municipal Waste Characterisation Project. The project results show very little change in Ireland’s household and commercial waste management practices since 2018.

EPA calls on food sector businesses to commit to reducing food waste by signing the Food Waste Charter

Date released: June 29, 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today launched a new Food Waste Charter, calling on all businesses and State Agencies operating across the food supply chain to sign up and commit to reducing food waste.