How to apply for a licence

When applying to the EPA for a waste licence you must satisfy a number of legislative requirements. The main ones include:

  • Waste Management (Licensing) Regulations 2004 to 2011
  • Waste Management (Facility Permit & Registration) Regulations 2007, as amended

Waste stream specific regulation:

Waste disposal or recovery activities at IPC installations are regulated by an EPA Licence under the EPA (Licensing) Regulations 1994, as amended. Find out more about IPC Licensing.


Before making an application

Before making an application, make sure you:

We recommend that you engage in pre-application clarification/consultation before submitting your application. Requirements in relation to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) may be discussed at this stage. Contact if you wish to arrange a pre-application meeting.


When making an application

When making an application, make sure you:

  • use the specified application form on EDEN;
  • answer all questions and submit all documentation requested (incomplete applications may be returned);
  • pay attention to any relevant BAT Guidance Note(s) available from the EPA; and
  • submit all necessary supporting documentation including the relevant Licence application guidance for applicants (waivers and refunds of application and objection fees may be allowed in certain limited circumstances).

If your application does not comply with the regulations, we may request additional information to achieve compliance. Where such a request is not fully complied with, we may:

  • Repeat the request one month after the original deadline;
  • On receipt of an adequate response, decide to proceed with the determination; or
  • In the absence of a response, or where the response is deemed inadequate, initiate proceedings to declare the application abandoned.

An ‘adequate response’ is defined as one that fully addresses all queries in the Agency’s request for further information with sufficient information and detail to allow the inspector to progress the application.


Further Guidance


Financial Provision for Environmental Liabilities

Industrial Emissions Directive FAQs


Learn More

All documentation received in respect of a licence application is available to view on this website.

Find out more about Public access to licensing files.


If you need further information

Contact the Water, Energy and Business Support Programme at:

Office of Environmental Sustainability
PO Box 3000,
Johnstown Castle Estate,
County Wexford

Telephone: Locall 0818 33 55 99 or 053 91 60600