All SEA consultation notifications and queries should be sent electronically to: (Please do not use the email address when contacting the SEA Team). The EPA SEA Team contacts are:
The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage website provides the most up-to-date contact details for the environmental authorities that must be consulted as part of SEA process, taking into account transfers of functions between Ministers since the SEA Regulations first identified the environmental authorities.
Under national SEA Regulations, the following statutory consultation bodies should be notified.
S.I. No. 435 of 2004 (European Communities (Environmental Assessment of Certain Plans and Programmes) Regulations 2004, as amended by S.I. No. 200 of 2011 (European Communities (Environmental Assessment of Certain Plans and Programmes).
Environmental Authority (SI 435/2004, as amended) | Email address | Postal Address |
Environmental Protection Agency | - for all plans and programmes |
Environmental Protection Agency, Johnstown Castle Estate, County Wexford. |
Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage , Development Applications Unit - | - where there might be significant effects on nature conservation, archaeology (terrestrial and underwater) and built heritage | The Manager, Development Applications Unit (DAU) , Government Offices ,Newtown Road ,Wexford ,Y35 AP90 |
Department of Environment, Climate and Communications | - where there might be significant effects on climate or inland fisheries | Planning Advisory Department of Environment, Climate and Communications, Third Floor, 29 – 31 Adelaide Road, Dublin 2 |
Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine | - where there might be significant effects on sea fisheries or the marine environment | Environmental Co-Ordination, Climate Change & Bioenergy Policy Division, Dept. of Agriculture, Food & the Marine, Pavilion A, Grattan Business Centre, Dublin Road, Portlaoise, Co. Laois, R32 K857 |
S.I. No. 436 of 2004 (Planning and Development (Strategic Environmental Assessment) Regulations 2004, as amended by S.I. No. 201 of 2011 (Planning and Development (Strategic Environmental Assessment).
Environmental Authority (SI 436/2004, as amended) | Email address | Postal Address |
Environmental Protection Agency | - for all plans and programmes | Environmental Protection Agency, Johnstown Castle Estate, County Wexford. |
Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage | - For all plans listed S.I. 436 of 2004, as amended | EU and International Planning Regulation Unit Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Custom House, Dublin, D01 W6X0 |
Minister of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Development Applications Unit | - where there might be significant effects on nature conservation, archaeology (terrestrial and underwater) and built heritage | The Manager, Development Applications Unit (DAU) , Government Offices ,Newtown Road ,Wexford ,Y35 AP90 |
Department of Environment, Climate and Communications | - where there might be significant effects on climate or inland fisheries | Planning Advisory Department of Environment, Climate and Communications, Third Floor, 29 – 31 Adelaide Road, Dublin 2 D02 X285 |
Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine | - where there might be significant effects on sea fisheries or the marine environment | Environmental Co-Ordination, Climate Change & Bioenergy Policy Division, Dept. of Agriculture, Food & the Marine, Pavilion A, Grattan Business Centre, Dublin Road, Portlaoise, Co. Laois, R32 K857 |
Any adjoining planning authority whose area is contiguous to the area of the planning authority | Various | Various |
Where the Plan or Programme (or modification) may significantly affect the environment in Northern Ireland, you should contact the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs at the following address:
SEA Team, Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Klondyke Building, Cromac Avenue, Lower Ormeau Road, Belfast BT7 2GA. Tel: 028 9056 9370. Email:
The Welsh Government describe the consultation requirements on their website which can be reviewed here .
Where the Plan or Programme (or modification) may significantly affect the environment in Wales, the following authorities should be contacted:
Cadw (
Natural Resources Wales (formed from merger of 'Countryside Council for Wales' and the 'Environment Agency Wales')
In addition to the statutory SEA consultation bodies referred to above, the Welsh Government can be notified at:
Strategic Environmental Assessment
Land Nature and Forestry Division
Department for Economy, Skills and Natural Resources
Welsh Government
Cathays Park 2
CF10 3NQ
Tel: 029 2082 3178 Email:
The Scottish statutory Consultation Authorities are:
Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA),
Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH),
The Scottish Ministers (Historic Scotland).
Where the Plan or Programme (or modification) may significantly affect the environment in Scotland, you should contact the relevant authorities at the following address:
SEA Gateway Team, 2-H (South), Victoria Quay, Edinburgh, EH6 6QQ Tel: (0044) (0)131 244 5094 Email:
Where the Plan or Programme (or modification) may significantly affect the environment in England, you should contact the relevant authorities at the following addresses:
Environment Agency ( Email:
Natural England ( Email:
Historic England ( Useful guidance note here