SEA Statistics

This section provides a summary breakdown of all SEA related notifications received by the EPA. We update this information annually.

SEA Stage  2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Screening 75  49 51  53  76  38 60  32 29 44 60 65
Scoping 50 46  42  56  20  24  23  33 26 51 78 31
Environmental Report/Draft Plan 46  34  36  48  26  23  20  29  36 31 61 27
Proposed Amendments 22  20  10  17  15  13 21 15 14

Sectoral Breakdown of SEAs undertaken (updated: 6th Jan 2025)

Sector Number of SEA's
Agriculture  12
Forestry  6
Fisheries  16 
Energy  42
Transport  33
Waste Management  11
Water Management  78 
Tourism 38
Planning/Land Use 534
Other Cases 60
Total (ongoing and complete) 835

Type/Scale of SEAs Undertaken  (updated: 6th Jan 2025)

Plan Type Total Number of SEAs
Transboundary*  55
National  80
Regional  99 
County  177
Industry  4
Local  420
Total  835

(* = transboundary submissions include invitations from transboundary planning authorities to provide comments on SEAs being prepared, rather than formal consultation notifications.)