SEA Topic and Sector Specific Guidance

Below are links to the available EPA SEA Topic and Sector Specific Guidance resources. 

Good practice guidance on SEA and landscape Guidance on how to consider landscape considerations in SEA
Good practice guidance on SEA for the tourism sector Guidance on how to carry out SEA of tourism strategies/plans
Developing and Assessing Alternatives in SEA  Guidance on methodologies to develop and assess alternatives in SEA
Integrating Climatic Factors into SEA How to integrate climatic factors into Plans and associated SEAs. (2019 Update)
GISEA Manual - Improving the Evidence Base in SEA Guidance on how GIS can be used to improve environmental assessments.
Integrated Biodiversity Impact Assessment  Step-by-step guidance on integrating processes for biodiversity impact assessment.
Good practice note on SEA for the Forestry Sector Guidance on how to carry out SEA of forestry strategies/plans.
Good practice note on SEA for the Waste Sector

Guidance on how to carry out SEA of waste strategies/plans.

Good practice note on SEA for the Water Sector

Guidance on how to carry out SEA of water strategies/plans.

Good practice note on SEA for the Energy Sector

Guidance on how to carry out SEA of energy strategies/plans.

Good practice guidance on Cumulative Effects Assessment in SEA This is a guidance note on how cumulative assessment can be considered when preparing Strategic Environmental Assessment.
Second SEA Effectiveness Review Training Event  Review training event, held in Portlaoise in March 2020.
Guidance on SEA Statements and Monitoring  This report provides stand-along guidance on SEA statements and monitoring to assist plan-makers with the SEA process.
Integrating Climatic Factors into Strategic Environmental Assessment in Ireland - A Guidance Note A guidance note to assist integrating climatic factor into Plans/Programmes/Strategies - Updated in June 2019 
Environmental Sensitivity Mapping (ESM) - User Manual  This manual purpose is to enable geographical exploration of environmental data 
EIAR guidelines  Draft Guidelines on the information to be contained in Environmental Impact Assessment Reports (EIAR) 
Developing and Assessing Alternatives in Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)  Guidance on Developing and Assessing Alternatives in SEA 
SEA Effectiveness Review Key findings and recommendations from the review of effectiveness of SEA in Ireland.
SEA Effectiveness Review Executive Summary Executive summary of the findings of the Review of Effectiveness of SEA in Ireland report 
SEA Effectiveness Review in Ireland - Action Plan 2012-2016 SEA Action Plan for implementation of SEA Effectiveness Review Recommendations 
SEA Effectiveness Review - Regional Planning Guidelines (RPG) Findings of the review of the effectiveness of SEA in Ireland in relation to the Regional Planning Guidelines 
SEA Effectiveness Review RPG Executive Summary  Executive summary of the review of effectiveness of SEA in Ireland associated with the Regional Planning Guidelines 
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) And Climate Change: Guidance For Practitioners How climate change issues can be considered in strategic environmental assessment (SEA) 
Guidelines on information to be contained in Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)  Information and advice notes on completing an EIS. 
Good Practice Guidance on SEA Screening Information on best practices for SEA Screening
Good Practice Guidance Note: SEA and Integration Good practice guidance note for Plan(s) and Programme(s) makers and SEA practitioners