Below are links to the available EPA SEA Topic and Sector Specific Guidance resources.
Good practice guidance on SEA and landscape | Guidance on how to consider landscape considerations in SEA |
Good practice guidance on SEA for the tourism sector | Guidance on how to carry out SEA of tourism strategies/plans |
Developing and Assessing Alternatives in SEA | Guidance on methodologies to develop and assess alternatives in SEA |
Integrating Climatic Factors into SEA | How to integrate climatic factors into Plans and associated SEAs. (2019 Update) |
GISEA Manual - Improving the Evidence Base in SEA | Guidance on how GIS can be used to improve environmental assessments. |
Integrated Biodiversity Impact Assessment | Step-by-step guidance on integrating processes for biodiversity impact assessment. |
Good practice note on SEA for the Forestry Sector | Guidance on how to carry out SEA of forestry strategies/plans. |
Good practice note on SEA for the Waste Sector |
Guidance on how to carry out SEA of waste strategies/plans. |
Good practice note on SEA for the Water Sector |
Guidance on how to carry out SEA of water strategies/plans. |
Good practice note on SEA for the Energy Sector |
Guidance on how to carry out SEA of energy strategies/plans. |
Good practice guidance on Cumulative Effects Assessment in SEA | This is a guidance note on how cumulative assessment can be considered when preparing Strategic Environmental Assessment. |
Second SEA Effectiveness Review Training Event | Review training event, held in Portlaoise in March 2020. |
Guidance on SEA Statements and Monitoring | This report provides stand-along guidance on SEA statements and monitoring to assist plan-makers with the SEA process. |
Integrating Climatic Factors into Strategic Environmental Assessment in Ireland - A Guidance Note | A guidance note to assist integrating climatic factor into Plans/Programmes/Strategies - Updated in June 2019 |
Environmental Sensitivity Mapping (ESM) - User Manual | This manual purpose is to enable geographical exploration of environmental data |
EIAR guidelines | Draft Guidelines on the information to be contained in Environmental Impact Assessment Reports (EIAR) |
Developing and Assessing Alternatives in Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) | Guidance on Developing and Assessing Alternatives in SEA |
SEA Effectiveness Review | Key findings and recommendations from the review of effectiveness of SEA in Ireland. |
SEA Effectiveness Review Executive Summary | Executive summary of the findings of the Review of Effectiveness of SEA in Ireland report |
SEA Effectiveness Review in Ireland - Action Plan 2012-2016 | SEA Action Plan for implementation of SEA Effectiveness Review Recommendations |
SEA Effectiveness Review - Regional Planning Guidelines (RPG) | Findings of the review of the effectiveness of SEA in Ireland in relation to the Regional Planning Guidelines |
SEA Effectiveness Review RPG Executive Summary | Executive summary of the review of effectiveness of SEA in Ireland associated with the Regional Planning Guidelines |
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) And Climate Change: Guidance For Practitioners | How climate change issues can be considered in strategic environmental assessment (SEA) |
Guidelines on information to be contained in Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) | Information and advice notes on completing an EIS. |
Good Practice Guidance on SEA Screening | Information on best practices for SEA Screening |
Good Practice Guidance Note: SEA and Integration | Good practice guidance note for Plan(s) and Programme(s) makers and SEA practitioners |