Behavioural insight is a foundation of the EPA’s Circular Economy Programme, providing evidence to inform policy, behavioural change interventions and awareness campaigns.

The EPA contracted Ipsos B&A to conduct qualitative research to understand the role and reality of food consumption in Irish households - identifying behavioural patterns of food waste and understanding the root causes for food waste in Irish households. 28 participants representing a cross section of Irish society, and based on EPA segmentation profile, took part in this weeklong digital diary ethnography project during November 2023.

A digital diary ethnographic approach was used to enable participants to communicate with the research team on a one-on-one basis resulting in a transparent and honest assessment of food waste management in their homes. The outputs of this research provide a deeper understanding of what people actually do rather than what they say they do in terms of food waste behaviours at home, as well as direction on the development of future interventions.

Click on the heading below to view the full report:

Food Waste: Ethnographic digital diary study 2023