EPA Research Call 2024 Awards

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced new funding for environmental and climate research in Ireland, with funding of €14.5 million awarded for 25 new research projects. These innovative, policy-relevant projects will address key knowledge gaps and support the development of vital research capacity in strategically important areas.

This page provides information about the EPA Research Call 2024 awards including:

List of Awards made under the EPA Research Call 2024

* Co-funding provided by Met Éireann

** Co-funding provided by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Addressing Climate Change Evidence Needs

Lead Applicant Lead Organisation Project Title Grant Aid Committed

Vahid Aryanpur

University College Cork (UCC)

Safeguarding Ireland's Energy Transition against Critical Materials Supply Disruption and Geopolitical Dynamics


Michael Breen

Dublin City University (DCU)

E-WASTE: Mitigating the Risks of Electronic Waste to Achieve Ireland’s Climate and Environmental Goals


Peter Thorne

Maynooth University (MU)

Weather Attribution Science Irish operaTional User Service

€650,803 *

Jin Zhao

Trinity College (TCD)

enhance Climate adaptation and extreme weather Resilience of highly renewable penetrated Irish Electricity network (CRIE)


Julie Clarke

Trinity College (TCD)

Resilience Enhancement and Supportive Climate Change Adaptation Toolkit for Local Authorities

€659,026 *

Alina Premrov

Atlantic Technological University (ATU)

Advanced Integrated Measurements and Modelling Approaches for Predicting Carbon Emissions and Removals from Irish Peatlands

€611,465 **

Niall Dunphy

University College Cork (UCC)

Understanding Irish people’s attitudes, beliefs and values related to climate change


Thomas van Rensburg

University of Galway

Climate Insights and Values in Ireland's Communities


Delivering a Healthy Environment

Lead Applicant Lead Organisation Project Title Grant Aid Committed

Muhammad Ali

Trinity College (TCD)

Nano-AGS: Development of Energy-Efficient, Low-Maintenance Nanobubble-Assisted Aerobic Granular Sludge  for On-Site Domestic Wastewater Treatment System


Alison Connolly

University College Dublin (UCD)

Human Biomonitoring for Ireland (HBM4IE) environmental chemical exposure study


Eileen Ryan

University College Cork (UCC)

DIetary expoSure and Risk to hEalth of Per- and poly-fluroAlkyl substances: an Irish Perspective


Peter Dunne

Trinity College (TCD)

Deep Eutectic Solvents for Inorganic Green Nanomaterials


Eoin McGillicuddy

Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin)

Mobile Air Monitoring in Agricultural Settings


Debbi Stanistreet

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland

Mitigating the impact of air pollution on health in Ireland through a multi-pronged approach


Facilitating a Green and Circular Economy

Lead Applicant Lead Organisation Project Title Grant Aid Committed

Amit Jaiswal

Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin)

Urban Woody Biomass Sustainability through Nanocellulose & Lignin-Based Biomaterials Production for Water Purification and Adhesive Applications


Jennifer Attard

Munster Technological University (MTU)

Just Transition for Agriculture in the Circular Bioeconomy


Enrico Secchi

University College Dublin (UCD)

JUSt Transition in Ireland’s Circular Economy: Scaling and Supporting Irish Food and Fashion Resource Recovery


Vijai Kumar Gupta

Dublin City University (DCU)

Developing a Sustainable Biorefinery System for Textile Waste in Ireland


Archishman Bose

University College Cork (UCC)

Regenerative Value Systems for Irish Grown Wool in Ireland


Mohammad Reza Ghaani

Trinity College (TCD)

Green Circularity and Industrial Symbiosis: Pathways to Sustainable Industry Practices in Ireland


Protecting and Restoring Our Natural Environment

Lead Applicant Lead Organisation Project Title Grant Aid Committed

Silvia Caldararu

Trinity College (TCD)

Ecological Forecasting of Tree Resistance to Pathogens: Ash Dieback and Beyond

€591,061 **

Laurence Gill

Trinity College (TCD)

Fen conservation, restoration and ecosystem services


Grace Cott

University College Dublin (UCD)

Solutions for Optimum restoration of Saltmarshes


Jimmy O'Keeffe

Dublin City University (DCU)

Farming Resilience and Management through Natural Capital

€328,454 **

Louise Fitzgerald

Dublin City University (DCU)

JUSTLAND: A Just Transition for Land in Ireland

€303,490 **