Search the EPA Research Database

Welcome to the EPA's Research Database.  

The EPA has funded over 1,000 projects (valued over €10,000) since 2001 varying in size from desk-based studies to large multi-annual projects. This database contains information about all of these projects and is searchable by keywords, lead researcher, research institution, etc.

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Project CodePrimary Funding AgencyCo-Funding Organisation(s)Lead OrganisationLead ApplicantProject TitleEPA Research Hub/PillarTheme
07-CCRP-1.1.1b Environmental Protection Agency n/a National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) Phillip O'Brien Research specialist for Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and sinks Climate Change Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Sinks, and Management Systems
07-CCRP-1.1.5a Environmental Protection Agency n/a University of Bristol Simon O'Doherty In-situ observations of Greenhouse Gases at Carnsore Point Climate Change Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Sinks, and Management Systems
07-CCRP-1.1.6a Environmental Protection Agency n/a University College Dublin (UCD) Christoph Muller Carbon-Restore: The Potential of Restored Peatlands For Carbon Sequestration Climate Change Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Sinks, and Management Systems
07-CCRP-1.1.7a Environmental Protection Agency n/a University College Cork (UCC) Jerry Murphy Compressed biomethane generated from grass, utilised as a transport biofuel Climate Change Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Sinks, and Management Systems
07-CCRP-2.2.2a Environmental Protection Agency n/a University College Dublin (UCD) Shiyu Wang Research Specialist: Climate Change Ireland's Future Climate, its Impacts, and Adaptation Options
07-CCRP-2.2.3a Environmental Protection Agency n/a National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) Jennifer Hanafin Research Specialist, Analysis of GPS Water vapour observations Climate Change Ireland's Future Climate, its Impacts, and Adaptation Options
07-CCRP-2.2.4a Environmental Protection Agency n/a University of Dublin, Trinity College (TCD) Alison Donnelly Climate change impacts on phenology: implications for terrestrial ecosystems Climate Change Ireland's Future Climate, its Impacts, and Adaptation Options
07-CCRP-2.2.6a Environmental Protection Agency n/a Maynooth University (MU) John Sweeney Co-ordination, Communication and Adaptation for Climate Change in Ireland: an Integrated Approach (COCOADAPT) Climate Change Ireland's Future Climate, its Impacts, and Adaptation Options
07-CCRP-2.2.7b Environmental Protection Agency n/a University College Cork (UCC) Gerard Kiely Extreme weather, climate and natural disasters in Ireland. Climate Change Ireland's Future Climate, its Impacts, and Adaptation Options
07-CCRP-3.1 Environmental Protection Agency n/a University College Dublin (UCD) Gemma O'Reilly Research Specialist ? Theme 3 CCRP ? Socio-economic Analysis and Technologies. Climate Change Socio Economic and Technological Climate Solutions and Transition Management
Project CodePrimary Funding AgencyCo-Funding Organisation(s)Lead OrganisationLead ApplicantProject TitleEPA Research Hub/PillarTheme
Showing 1 to 10 of 1,408 entries