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Project Search Result

Project Code [2014-ET-CP-52]

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Project title

Agrichar : Reduction of pollutants and nutrient loss in slurry and silage in cattle farming

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

EOS Future Design

Lead Applicant

Emer O'Siochru

Project Abstract

Economic: Enables heavier slurry application, raises crop yields, reduces bought artificial fertilizers, increases weight gain, improves beef and milk quality and lowers vet bills, shortens germination time and prolongs nutrient value of compost Environmental: Reduces Co2 eq emissions from fertilizers and animal wastes particularly N0x, adsobs P, reduces pollution to water-bodies, adds stable carbon to soils and increases soil organic carbon to mitigate climate change, adsorbs toxins and pathogens in soils, animal waste and feed products. Relevant to beef and dairy farmers, horticulturalists and nurseries. Disseminated by farm demonstrations, Teagsc, Organic Trust, Beef Carbon Navigator, reports and presentations and website

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Cleaner Production - Green Enterprise - Innovation and Demonstration

Research Theme


Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
