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Project Code [2013-CCRP-MS.10]

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Project title

Assessment of Agricultural Activity on Drained Organic Soils

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

University of Limerick (UL)

Lead Applicant

Kenneth Byrne

Project Abstract

The current system used to track land use change in Ireland, and estimate the associated greenhouse gas emissions, is unable to capture cultivation activity on organic soils. This project addresses this information gap through three workpackages with the following objectives: WP1.To conduct an assessment of agricultural activity on drained organic soils in Ireland, specifically, the detection of tillage activity including an uncertainty assessment. WP2. To estimate annual CO2 and N2O emissions from cultivated organic soils, and WP3. To prepare a final report. The final report will include a methodology for detecting cultivation activity on drained organic soils using existing spatially referenced data, and limited ground truth sampling.

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Climate Change

Research Theme

Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Sinks, and Management Systems

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
