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Project Code [2021-CE-1031]
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Project title
Atmospheric carbon capture using hybrid PSA and membrane system
Primary Funding Agency
Irish Research Council
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Environmental Protection Agency
Lead Organisation
University College Cork (UCC)
Lead Applicant
Sean Ritchie
Project Abstract
It is no secret that we are slowly killing our planet with our current lifestyle. Human generated carbon emissions are the leading cause of climate change. There is a global effort to reduce the amount of carbon that we are emitting, however this alone is not enough. CO2 can live in the atmosphere for over 100 years. Even if we were to switch to 100% renewable energies, we would still be damaging the planet with CO2 that we have already emitted.
Carbon capture is our best weapon in tackling climate change, carbon capture can remove stagnant CO2 as well as CO2 that we are currently producing. The replacement of fossil fuels is not expected to happen in the next few decades, therefore carbon capture is a promising a bridge technology, while we work on reaching a sustainable level of green energy production via alternative technologies.
The development of carbon capture systems has largely focused on single separation technologies with only a few studies focusing on hybrid capture systems. The single separation technologies are often case specific and do not perform consistently making them a risky investment.
This project aims to develop a hybrid Pressure Swing Absorption (PSA)/membrane operation unit for carbon capture from the atmosphere. Studies have shown that Hybrid membrane-absorption systems have shown high carbon selectivity and low energy consumption compared to a single membrane system or absorption system. This project will consist of constructing the equipment on a lab scale and using data obtained from this system to develop a simulation package to model the system for scale up to industrial applications. This project will provide the technology necessary to remove carbon from the atmosphere in a more effective and cheaper way than previous technologies have.
Grant Approved
Research Hub
Climate Change
Initial Projected Completion Date