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Project Code [2015-CCRP-MS.30]

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Project title

AUGER: peAtland properties inflUencing greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

University College Dublin (UCD)

Lead Applicant

Florence Renou-Wilson

Project Abstract

Greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes in peatlands are spatially and temporally variable and highly sensitive to natural and anthropogenic perturbations. Over 80% of peatlands in the Republic of Ireland have been modified to some extent and their climate footprint is strongly dependent on their management. Pristine peatlands are generally net sinks for carbon dioxide and sources of methane. However, land use change produces radical changes in the magnitude and direction of these fluxes, which are driven by a range of variables (e.g. hydrology, vegetation, soil properties etc.). We propose the following; (1) review the requirement for C stock and GHG flux monitoring capacities on peatland sites, (2) review current models/tools used to assess peatland status and the importance of properties and management in modelling GHG emissions, (3) characterise peatland types and associated soil/ecosystem properties, identify potential information gaps by a nationwide peatland survey of physical, chemical and ecological parameters of peatlands and peat soils (and overall assessment condition), (4) support on-going field observations and modelling of GHG emission/removals at 2 core peatland sites and (5) model anthropogenic impacts on GHG emissions/removals through development of ECOSSE model.

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Climate Change

Research Theme

Carbon Stocks, GHG Emissions, Sinks and Management Options

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
