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Project Code [2019-CCRP-DS.21]

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Project title

BE-Resilient: Built Environment Resilient Futures. Best practice in implementing climate adaptation

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

University College Dublin (UCD)

Lead Applicant

Mark Scott

Project Abstract

The purpose of BE-Resilient is to provide a critical understanding of how the spatial planning system and building standards currently contribute to Ireland�s national adaptation policy and to identify future pathways towards maximising the potential of planning and building control to enhance the resilience of the built environment. The built environment represents a key �opportunity space� for creating climate resilient pathways in Ireland, with the spatial planning system, building regulations standards and building control providing key decision points that can potentially erode or build future resilience. While there is a growing policy emphasis on built environment adaptation, translating and mainstreaming climate policy goals into sustainable practices, design interventions and regulations for the sustainable management of the built environment represent significant challenges. BE-Resilient will mobilise knowledge and best practice, and test, validate and co-design innovative actions specific to the Irish context. In line with the National Adaptation Framework, BE-Resilient aims to contribute new knowledge in relation to: �soft adaptation� (e.g. regulations, technical building standards, plan timeframes), �grey adaptation� (e.g. physical, design solutions), and �green adaptation� (e.g. incorporating nature-based solutions, and ecosystem services) into the built environment.

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Climate Change

Research Theme

Ireland's Future Climate, its Impacts, and Adaptation Options

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
