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Project Code [2020-HW-MS-19]

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Project title

Can we use metabolic theory of ecology to predict disease outbreaks in a warming world?

Primary Funding Agency

Science Foundation Ireland

Co-Funding Organisation(s)

Environmental Protection Agency

Lead Organisation

University of Dublin, Trinity College (TCD)

Lead Applicant

Pepijn Luijckx

Project Abstract

Vaccination and culling programs are based on the notion that lower host densities slow disease spread to a point where host densities are unable to maintain infection. However, experimental evidence for these host density thresholds is weak. Here we develop the Daphnia magna - Ordospora colligata animal - microparasite system to provide a direct test of this theory under multiple temperature regimes. We use the collected data to develop and test a modelling framework based on metabolic rates, which could be applied to numerous disease systems, to predict how disease outbreaks are affected by a changing climate. N/A SFI Frontiers for the Future

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Healthy Environment

Research Theme

Health and well being

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
