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Project Code [2018-W-PhD-14]
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Project title
Climate change impacts on the water-quality and functioning of Irish rivers in a multi-stressor environment
Primary Funding Agency
Irish Research Council
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Environmental Protection Agency
Lead Organisation
University College Dublin (UCD)
Lead Applicant
Ann-Marie Kelly
Project Abstract
This study will investigate whether climate change (changes in temperature and rainfall) will worsen the negative effects of pollutants (sediment and nutrients) which enter freshwaters. The proposed research will consist of a series of experiments carried out in the �UCD ExStream� research facility. This consists of 128 donut shaped dishes known as �mesocosms�. Water and aquatic organisms are continuously pumped from a nearby clean stream into the mesocosms. Water flows around the mesocosm and exits through a hole in the centre. Thus, each mesocosm is a realistic version of the stream but on a smaller scale. The individual and combined effects of higher water temperatures, altered flow, and inputs of pollutants will be studied. The effects examined will include (1) type and numbers of aquatic macroinvertebrates (insects, worms, etc.) that exit the mesocosms because they cannot tolerate the conditions, (2) organisms remaining in the mesocosms at the end of the experiment (i.e. those that can tolerate the stressors), (3) production of algae and rate of decomposition � these are vital processes that keep our freshwaters healthy.
Grant Approved
Research Hub
Natural Environment
Research Theme
Understanding, managing and conserving our water resources
Initial Projected Completion Date