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Project Search Result
Project Code [2008-SD-LS-1-S1]
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Project title
CONSENSUS: A cross-border household analysis of CONsumption, ENvironment and SUStainability in Ireland
Primary Funding Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Lead Organisation
University of Dublin, Trinity College (TCD)
Lead Applicant
Anna Davies
Project Abstract
This research examines four key areas of household consumption that currently impact negatively on the environment and inhibit our ability, both in Northern Ireland and the Republic, to achieve sustainable development: transport, energy, water and food. A set of integrated work packages will address four themes identified in the 2007 STRIVE call: how consumption can be measured and evaluated (Theme 1), how sustainable behaviours and incentives are being developed and implemented (Theme 2), identifying links between consumption, health and well being (Theme 3) and finally how matters of household consumption are being governed through institutional practice and participation (Theme 5). In addition to the required six-monthly technical, financial, synthesis and final reports, the project will produce academic and policy-related outputs including:Academic: 12+ articles in international peer-reviewed journals; 4 PhD theses; an international conference; an edited volume; 10+ presentations for national and international audiencesPolicy: sustainable lifestyles survey; baseline reports on consumption within the sectors of transport, energy, water and food; critical reviews of international good practice with regards to promoting, implementing and governing sustainable behaviour; action plans for encouraging a transition to more sustainable lifestylesAcademic and policy: Cross-border sustainable consumption research network (SCRN); project web-site
Grant Approved
Research Hub
Research Theme
Socio-Economic Considerations
Initial Projected Completion Date