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Project Code [2020-CCRP-DS.26]

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Project title

Consumption-based Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

Economic & Social Research Institute (ESRI)

Lead Applicant

Anne Nolan

Project Abstract

The purpose of this research is to better understand the emissions associated with consumption within Ireland. This project would not be able to fully access the consumption related emissions of Ireland, but could involve an initial assessment, which could be extended in the future to include more accurate estimates. Applying the input-output model developed in the ESRI Climate Economy Modelling project (which includes up to 60 types of goods), the import and export of the various intermediate inputs and final goods can be assessed. As well as the carbon emissions associated with Irish production that is exported. Combining this with data (such as the EAP database) concerning the average emissions per type of imported good, we can estimate consumption-based emissions for Ireland. This initial project can help gain important insights into consumption-based emissions and future work could build on this and estimate more precisely the emissions embedded in Irish imports and exports. Estimating consumption-based emissions for Ireland could assist in understanding consumption patterns and encouraging more sustainable behaviours. This would help in designing specific actions to encourage sustainable consumption to reduce emissions and our use of resources.

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Climate Change

Research Theme


Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
