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Project Code [2014-W-LS-6]
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Project title
COSAINT: Cattle Exclusion from Watercourses: Environmental and socio-economic implications
Primary Funding Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Lead Organisation
Lead Applicant
Daire � hUallach�in
Project Abstract
Loss of nutrients from grassland systems to waterbodies is a significant threat to water quality and represents one of the main environmental problems facing agri-ecosystems in Ireland. The EU Water Framework Directive requires Member States to achieve or maintain at least �good� ecological and chemical status in all waters by 2015. Measures proposed under the Green Low carbon Agri-environment Scheme include preventing bovine access to watercourses to improve water quality. Studies suggest that unrestricted cattle access to watercourses can result in deteriorating water quality, however conflicting studies indicate that cattle do not have a significant effect on stream water quality. This project will assess the environmental, ecological and socio-economic impact of cattle exclusion measures on freshwater ecosystems. The project will evaluate existing literature and generate temporal and spatial data on the environmental impact of cattle exclusion measures. The cost-effectiveness of proposed and potential mitigation measures will be assessed through research and expert opinion, along with attitudinal responses of land-owners to the implementation of proposed and potential measures. The project will provide important information for policymakers in relation to the Nitrates and Water Framework Directives. It will also help guide agri-environmental policy and facilitate sustainable intensification objectives under Food Harvest 2020. This study will be of relevance to a wide range of stakeholders including researchers, policymakers and landowners. Expected outputs include: � Two Ph.D theses each � Eight peer-reviewed publications � Eight national conference presentations and 3 international presentations � A two page summary of the project for the EPA website. � Knowledge transfer articles e.g. TResearch, Today�s Farm � Presentations at work-shops, open days and farm walks � Final project report to the EPA
Grant Approved
Research Hub
Natural Environment
Research Theme
Understanding, managing and conserving our water resources
Initial Projected Completion Date