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Project Code [2020-NC-DS-2]
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Project title
Designing a Green, Equitable and Socially Acceptable Subsidy Scheme
Primary Funding Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Lead Organisation
Economic & Social Research Institute (ESRI)
Lead Applicant
Anne Nolan
Project Abstract
We will investigate the effects of the efficiency levels that can be achieved under the current scheme of the subsidies on emissions and income inequality. In addition, we compare this scenario with one where payments akin to Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) are stablished as opposed to incentives to increase efficiency and production. In addition, we will compare this scenario with one where payments akin to Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) are stablished as opposed to incentives to increase efficiency and production. We will model possible changes in farm output and efficiency given changes in the main types of CAP subsidies. In addition, with our estimated production functions, we will explore changes in emissions when production factors such as energy is substituted with capital.Estimating the production functions will allow us to obtain a produced specific measure of production efficiency.
Research Hub
Research Theme
Socio-Economic Considerations
Initial Projected Completion Date