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Project Search Result
Project Code [2005-PHD5-B-21]
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Project title
Developing knowledge of the taxonomy of parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera: Parasitica) and their community structure as bio-indicators in agro-ecosystems
Primary Funding Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Lead Organisation
University College Dublin (UCD)
Lead Applicant
Gordon Purvis
Project Abstract
The proposed study will further the development of taxonomic biogeographical and ecological knowledge of the Hymenoptera: Parasitica in Irish farmland and evaluate their potential as bio-indicators of changing grassland farming practice. The study will complement the existing work of the Ag-Biota project and have a four-fold impact on the development of biodiversity expertise in Ireland by:i Addressing a significant taxonomic and bio-geographical knowledge gap i Advancing knowledge of the influences of management practice within grassland habitats i Assisting in the identification of surrogate biodiversity indicators relating to farm practice i Directly informing the process of agri-environmental policy development
Grant Approved
Research Hub
Natural Environment
Research Theme
Sectoral Impacts on Biodiversity
Initial Projected Completion Date