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Project Code [2015-SE-MS-3]

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Project title

Developing the Potential of Third Level Campuses as Change Agents in Transition Toward Sustainable Communities

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

University of Limerick (UL)

Lead Applicant

Bernadette O'Regan

Project Abstract

This medium scale UL-based project, costing �289,984 evaluates the role of third level campuses as change agents in transition toward more sustainable communities developing evidence-based solutions for campuses, policymakers, EPA and support agencies. This team will build upon existing EPA programmes/research, utilising the research team�s significant expertise in this area as well as national and international relationships we can access privileged data from third level campuses. The environmental impact of campuses is currently unknown and resource efficiency targets, with exception of energy consumption, have not been established. Campuses have potential to become �living laboratories� both in physical manifestation and as change agents; campuses can have profound influences on stakeholder behaviour during key life-events. 4 Work packages will (1) Identify behaviour change and resource efficiency opportunities and develop sustainability benchmarks, (2) Track and evaluate real-life campus sustainability initiatives, (3) Calculate resource efficiency capacity of third level campuses and evaluate potential of campuses to drive community sustainability, (4) Develop recommendations for campuses, policymakers, support bodies and communities to realise potential of third level campuses as change agents. A postdoctoral researcher and research masters student will be employed thus gaining, not only project deliverables, but valuable upskilling and training of early career researchers. Identifying Pressures: This research will determine quantifiable resource efficiency targets and solutions to utilise the potential of third level campuses to transition communities towards sustainability. Environmental and socio-economic forces driving or obstructing sustainable behaviours will be identified through evaluation methodologies, guidance and policy recommendations Impacts and Key Challenges Addressed: Realising sustainable consumption, resource efficiency, waste prevention, green procurement, conservation of natural resources, clean energy and sustainable travel. Developing sustainable communities through leadership, engagement and involvement. Identification of education, communication and behaviour transition supports required. Indicator development and generation of evidence-based innovation and transformation. Critical evaluation of innovation, research and development opportunities. Solutions: Behavioural change evaluation of third level campuses� potential as change agents in transition toward sustainable communities. Development of resource efficiency benchmarks for campuses. Policy recommendations relating to resource efficiency, sustainability, education for sustainable development and higher education strategies. Results relevant to EPA BeGreen Programmes and developing integrated approaches to addressing environmental problems through programmes, policies and agencies. Deliverables: Final and Synthesis reports, peer-reviewed publications, policy briefings, best-practice guidance for EPA programmes, support agencies and third level campus communities and their wider communities. Quality academic research outputs open access journals including upskilling and knowledge transfer to early career researchers.

Grant Approved


Research Hub


Research Theme

Socio-Economic Considerations

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
