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Project Code [2023-HE-1239]
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Project title
Development of Atmospheric-Dispersion Models to assist in the response to a nuclear or radiological emergency
Primary Funding Agency
Science Foundation Ireland
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Environmental Protection Agency
Lead Organisation
Science Foundation Ireland (RCSI)
Lead Applicant
Marc Sturrock
Project Abstract
The EPA has been identified as a national principal support agency in the event of a nuclear or radiological emergency that may impact Ireland and has a role in providing technical support and advice to the National Emergency Co-ordination Group in such an event.
To this end, the EPA use several medium and long-range atmospheric dispersion models to determine the evolution of a release of radioactive material into the atmosphere from nuclear accidents abroad. Outputs from the dispersion models, such as radioactive deposition on the ground, air concentration and time of arrival, are used to estimate the potential radiological implications for Ireland (predicted radiation exposure to the public and impact on the environment) and to propose the implementation of appropriate protective actions such as sheltering and bringing livestock indoors.
The project aims to review and update the inputs (including weather, source terms and agricultural data) to the EPA’s atmospheric dispersion models and to assess potential radiological impacts for Ireland, taking into consideration the development of new nuclear facilities in Europe, the longer-term operation of existing nuclear facilities and the nuclear safety implications as a result of the war in Ukraine.
Grant Approved
Research Hub
Healthy Environment
Initial Projected Completion Date