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Project Search Result
Project Code [2011-SD-DS-2]
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Project title
ECORISK (Ecosystem services valuation for environmental risk and damage assessment)
Primary Funding Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Lead Organisation
University College Dublin (UCD)
Lead Applicant
Craig Bullock
Project Abstract
The research will examine the prospects for quantifying the economic value of ecosystem services for use within the Environmental Liability Directive, namely for compensatory remediation. Specifically, it will undertake a review of ecological research that has been conducted in Ireland where it has relevance to the assessment of ecosystem services and combine this with a national and international review of economic valuations of ecosystems or environmental goods. It will use this information to inform a database whereby policy makers and practioners would be able to search for data and advice on the methods needed to assess various levels of environmental risk or damage, indicating also the types and sources of data required. The research will propose, with examples, valuation methods that are appropriate for particular circumstances and make recommendations for the future application and refinement of methods within the context of the ELD and other policy needs. The principal outputs will be: 1. A report for policy makers and practioners providing: a) Guidance on methods and applications for ecosystem valuation within the ESD (report for policy, and b) Recommendations on future developments, data and research needs 2. A searchable database of methods appropriate for various environmental risks or damage 3. A review of relevant applications and ecological research 4. A workshop for policy makers and others 5. At least one peer reviewed national publication and at least one international publication
Grant Approved
Research Hub
Research Theme
Socio-Economic Considerations
Initial Projected Completion Date