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Project Code [2007-FS-ET-13-S5]

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Project title

Emerging new nano-technologies for separation of ethanol and water for bio-ethanol production

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

University College Cork (UCC)

Lead Applicant

Donal Keane

Project Abstract

Renewable energy sources are a cornerstone of environmental policy. Ethanol is the most promising biofuel. As petrol additive it increases octane number and combustion efficiency but decreases exhaust emissions. Increasing petroleum costs are making bioethanol commercially viable. An azeotrope limits distillation to 95% ethanol/water mixtures but for fuel use the ethanol must be anhydrous. Various methods for dehydration exist but add significant costs. Pervaporation (PV) is emerging as the most environmentally sound method for dehydration but is in its infancy. This proposal seeks to study a series of novel nanomaterials emerging from UCC for use in the PV process.

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Green and Circular Economy

Research Theme

Waste and Resources Management

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
