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Project Code [2011-W-DS-5]

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Project title

Environmental Supporting Conditions for Groundwater Dependent Terrestrial Ecosystems (GWDTEs)

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

University of Dublin, Trinity College (TCD)

Lead Applicant

Catherine Coxon

Project Abstract

This project aims to describe the environmental supporting conditions of 10 GWDTE types within the context of groundwater classification under the Water Framework Directive and associated Groundwater Directive. The project will review current legislation and implementation measures relating to the protection of GWDTES. Past and on-going research activities related to GWDTEs occurring in Ireland will be investigated for their potential application to assessing significant damage and in terms of their application to development of conceptual models of GWDTE ecohydrology. The outputs of the UKTAG project on defining trigger action/threshold values for GWDTEs will also be evaluated in terms of their application to Irish GWDTEs. The literature review will inform the development of ecohydrological conceptual models. The conceptual models will describe the linkages between wetland hydrodynamics (e.g. groundwater flow, level and hydrochemistry) and relevant wetland biota using conceptual models. Trigger action/threshold values for evaluating significant damage to GWDTES will be proposed based on the literature review and conceptual models. Key knowledge gaps related to assessing significant damage to 10 GWDTE types will be summarised. Key outputs of the project include a comprehensive literature review document, conceptual ecohydrological models for ten GWDTE types, as assessment of the major threats to GWDTE quality, proposed threshold values relevant to assessing significant damage to GWDTEs and an inventory of knowledge gaps relating to GWDTE tests within the context of groundwater body classification. One peer-reviewed publication in an international journal will be produced. Feedback from a dissemination workshop will be incorporated into the final report.

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Natural Environment

Research Theme

Improve our Knowledge on the State of our Water Resources and Pressures

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
