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Project Code [2022-HE-1110]

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Project title

Equity in environmental exposures over time and across countries

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

Economic & Social Research Institute (ESRI)

Lead Applicant

Anne Nolan

Project Abstract

Quality of your local environment may depend upon how well-off you are. More advantaged households may invest to locate in better quality areas or may have more influence over environmental measures, avoiding high levels of pollution and locating close to environmental amenities (Hajat et al., 2015). In some jurisdictions, having a stronger local tax base can also lead to more spending on local environmental goods. However, national and supranational policies to improve environmental quality may serve to harmonise the provision of such goods across areas, reducing the inequities across areas and socioeconomic groups over time. In this study we propose to link annual data from global remote sensing platforms on average local concentrations of a pollutant (PM2.5) and exposures to two amenities (green and coastal blue space) to Census small area data on a range of socioeconomic indicators, including social class, age, ethnicity, immigrant status and disability. Data are available for Ireland from 2002-2016, and we expect that other developed economics have similar census coverage. Regression analysis and the use of distributional equity indicators will allow us to measure how equally distributed these exposures have been for socioeconomic groups over time and across countries. We expect to find that environmental equity has improved over time as national and international policies focusing on the environment have strengthened. However, the effects of rising income inequality in some places may have outpaced harmonisation of environmental regulation, and there may still be groups or geographical areas where significant inequities remain to be addressed.

Grant Approved

€ -

Research Hub

Healthy Environment

Research Theme


Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
