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Project Code [2004-SD-MS-18]
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Project title
Establishing an Eco-Industrial Network for SMEs within the Mid West Region
Primary Funding Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Lead Organisation
University of Limerick (UL)
Lead Applicant
Bernadette O'Regan
Project Abstract
A key feature of the Irish economy is the strong presence of small to medium sized enterprises (SME). It is estimated that SMEs are responsible for 70% of industrial pollution across the EU. This project aimed to enhance and improve the environmental performance of SMEs in the Mid-West region of Ireland through the development of an eco-industrial network. The establishment of such a network through information and resource sharing waste minimisation and reuse water and energy conservation shared transportation centralised waste collection and treatment as well as increasing the influence of SMEs within regional planning through better communications with policy makers and the local community had a positive outcome for the companies involved the environment and other stakeholders within the region. Supply Network Shannon (SNS) an open sectoral network of engineering and electronics companies located in the Mid-West region approached the University of Limerick Centre for Environmental Research (CER) with a view to improving the environmental performance of its member companies. Twenty companies together with the Regional Waste Management Authority (RWMA) agreed to participate in the project. Activities that the companies were involved in include: packaging furniture electronics plastics moulding engineering printer ink manufacture and food production. This was a diverse group and is typical of the types of activities that engage SMEs in this region. Rising costs especially in the areas of energy transport and waste were of concern to the SMEs involved and establishing an eco-industrial network if successful was envisaged by them as offering possible solutions both to economic and environmental problems. This research applied an innovative approach to identify best environmental practice and measure the contribution of participating SMEs to sustainable development. It was actively led by a Steering Committee comprising individual company representatives RWMA local and national policy makers and University based researchers. Site visits environmental reviews surveys and individual environmental reports for each of the twenty participating SMEs were completed. The data collected provided an invaluable insight to the operations of each company in the network. Using the principles of industrial ecology the most viable and realistic collaborative opportunities were identified. This was communicated to the participants through a workshop and followed up by the companies themselves. New business opportunities were also identified based on the data gathered and common environmental problems that SMEs in the region face. As legislation and government policies evolve pressure on companies to become more environmentally responsible will lead to more collaboration and innovation opportunities.
Grant Approved
Research Hub
Research Theme
Socio-Economic Considerations
Initial Projected Completion Date