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Project Code [2017-W-MS-26]
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Project title
EUTROSED: Eutrophication hotspots resulting from biogeochemical transformations and bioavailability of phosphorus in the fluvial suspended sediment of geologically contrasting agricultural catchments
Primary Funding Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine - European Commission
Lead Organisation
University of Dublin, Trinity College (TCD)
Lead Applicant
Laurence Gill
Project Abstract
This project endeavours to address the current lack of understanding with regards to which phosphorus (P) fractions within fluvial and stream bed sediments are more bioavailable and therefore degrade water quality; with the focus specifically on the effect of organic P and humic-metal P complex pools from fluvial sediments. Hence, fluvial and streambed sediment will be sampled using modified in-stream sediment traps in a number of geologically contrasting agricultural catchments in Ireland and Sweden which have been hydrologically and hydro-geologically studied over the past few years. Fluvial and streambed sediment bound P in the form of organic P and humic-metal P will be analysed using chemical extractions, as well as 31P NMR for greater resolution of organic P species, high resolution spectroscopic (� and bulk XANES, ?-XRD, M?ssbauer) and imaging techniques (TEM-EDS). The field sampling will be complemented by in-situ and ex-situ flux measurements, while laboratory incubations will be conducted to measure fluxes and determine the dynamics of P chemical speciation in suspended and streambed sediment under fluctuating flow, redox conditions, stream morphology and land-use. This knowledge will then be used to develop a predictive reactive biogeochemical hydro-sedimentary model for fluvial sediment. The research project will explicit goals of the WaterWorks2016 Cofunded Call, by addressing the scientific challenge of monitoring and reducing soil and water pollution by developing monitoring schemes and indicators for agricultural catchments to identify, quantify and minimize pollution sources in the form of suspended and stream bed sediments due to agricultural activities within geologically contrasting catchments. More specifically the project will develop iinnovative sampling equipment and analytical methods developed relating to suspended sediment and organic phosphorus speciation. It will also develop a predictive reactive biogeochemical hydro-sedimentary model for fluvial sediment which should have potential significance in enabling policy makers make more informed decisions relating to agricultural and catchment activities within the catchment. The project will also develop and maintain international collaborations between project partners in the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences as well as the University of Saskatchewan / Canadian Light Source ensuring active interactions with Canadian and European researchers, which will result in long-term collaborations that will benefit future water research.
Grant Approved
Research Hub
Natural Environment
Research Theme
Understanding, managing and conserving our water resources
Initial Projected Completion Date