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Project Code [2023-NE-1213]

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Project title

Evaluating the benefits of agri-environmental schemes incorporating nature-based solutions for water quality & ecology

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

University of Dublin, Trinity College (TCD)

Lead Applicant

Patrick Morrissey

Project Abstract

The primary aim of the proposed research is to provide insight, tools and guidance on the most cost-effective approach to protect water quality & aquatic habitats in different Irish agricultural settings. There are currently a number of demonstration agri-environmental schemes either commencing or about to commence which presents an opportunity for research rooted within baseline conditions. Tracking the efficacy of the Nature-based solutions (NbS) included in such schemes and subsequently quantifying the associated environmental benefits accrued will be of huge benefit to the Irish state. It will allow future schemes to be designed to maximise the environmental benefits in the most cost-effective manner possible and will shape future policy in this area . The suggested approach will have clear and measurable benefits by providing a pathway to achieving WFD commitments by mitigating the largest significant pressure to waterbodies. The project will: 1) Establish the water quality & aquatic habitat protection efficacy and multiple benefit potential of Nature-based Solutions (NbS) installed as Integrated Catchment Management (ICM) measures across a range of farm enterprises (extensive & intensive) and soil types (e.g., critical source-pathway interception measures); 2) Develop guidance/tools which will determine the most cost-effective approach to protect water quality & aquatic habitats in different Irish agricultural settings whilst also maximising the opportunities for multiple associated benefits; 3) Develop design guidance for the construction, operation and maintenance of Nature-based Solutions installed as ICM measures for water quality & aquatic habitat improvement; 4) Complete scenario analysis (modelling) at a larger scale to demonstrate the benefits of the wider rollout of such schemes/measures as part of national agri-environmental efforts. The scenario analysis will also include an assessment of the impacts of climate change on the performance of the NbS and their potential role in climate adaption.

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Natural Environment

Research Theme

Nature Based Solutions: Delivering Co-benefits for the Environment and Society

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
