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Project Code [2022-GCE-1135]
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Project title
Experimental tests of the effects of greenwashing on consumer choice
Primary Funding Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Lead Organisation
Economic & Social Research Institute (ESRI)
Lead Applicant
Anne Nolan
Project Abstract
Transitioning to a circular economy requires consumers to favour companies that employ more sustainable practices. However, demand for environmentally friendly products means a growing number of companies engage in
‘greenwashing,’ i.e., market their products as more sustainable than they actually are, with terms that are misleading or ambiguous. The BRU have an established experimental paradigm for testing the effects of presentational
attributes on consumer choice, which includes real and hypothetical purchases.
This research project proposes to employ this paradigm to provide the first experimental test of the effect of greenwashing on consumer choice. This paradigm has previously been employed to test the effects of NutriScore
labelling on consumption of high fat, salt and sugar (HFSS) foods and to test the potential for disclosure on mitigating the effects of personalised pricing.
This project will also test the potential for an education intervention to help consumers identify greenwashing and “boost” decision-making. The findings will provide evidence for policy regarding
(1) the extent to which various forms of greenwashing are prevalent in the Irish market:
(2) the consequences of different forms of greenwashing on consumer choice,
(3) the potential for education interventions to mitigate greenwashing, and
(4) the need to regulate various commonly employed greenwashing techniques.
Research Hub
Green and Circular Economy
Initial Projected Completion Date