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Project Code [2015-CCRP-MS.27]

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Project title

Fossil Fuel Lock-in in Ireland - How Much Value is at Risk?

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

University College Cork (UCC)

Lead Applicant

Celine McInerney

Project Abstract

The proposed research will assess Ireland’s exposure to carbon lock-in and stranded asset risk. The project will initially conduct a literature review to quantify, value and document existing fossil fuel assets, infrastructures and support systems in Ireland. These results will compared to global and EU studies to benchmark Ireland’s position. The Irish TIMES integrated Energy System model, which allows for detailed techno-economic scenario analysis, will be used to assess how the value of these assets will evolve under a series of decarbonisation scenarios for Ireland out to 2050. The output from the Irish TIMES energy model will be used to value these assets using a number of different valuation techniques including discounted cash flows (DCF), value at risk (VaR), asset impairment and credit ratings agency models to assess financial viability under the decarbonisation scenarios. The stranded asset risk of key infrastructure assets will also be estimated using spread option models. This project will provide recommendations to policy makers on the investment signals needed through capacity payment mechanisms, the DS3 (Programme Delivering a Secure, Sustainable Electricity System), and other financial incentives to reduce stranded asset and fossil fuel lock-in risk and to facilitate the transition to a low carbon Irish economy.

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Climate Change

Research Theme

Climate Solutions, Transition Management and Opportunities

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
