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Project Code [2023-NE-1190]
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Project title
Framework for Optimising Resources through Strategic Environmental Assessment
Primary Funding Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Lead Organisation
National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG)
Lead Applicant
Thomas van Rensburg
Project Abstract
The second Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Effectiveness Review and recent literature in Ireland has highlighted the need for greater research into the ‘quantification or monetisation of the benefits of SEA’, using Irish case studies [1]. While there are short-term costs associated with carrying out SEA, there are likely to be significant long-term benefits, which primarily accrue to the environment and the public. The costs associated with conducting SEA are relatively easily identified and take the form of labour and other resources while the benefits, which make take the form of the protection of ecosystem services (ES) or non-use value, may be less straightforward to measure, particularly if they involve non-market values.
This has cross-sectoral implications on a wide range of areas including agriculture, transport, waste, energy, water, forestry, tourism and land use, amongst others, as although these sectors may benefit from the application of SEA to plans and programmes, they may not have the knowledge on how to identify and ensure the social, economic and environmental benefits are maximised.
Grant Approved
Research Hub
Natural Environment
Initial Projected Completion Date